for me, a new friendship like an unripened fruits, it may become an orange or a lemon...
if we know how to treat friends well, then they will treat you well because we know dat 'what goes around will comes around'.... whatever talks, and acts will came back to us either good or bad...
u olls prcya tak bila ada sesetgh orang kata, kita x blh percaya pd
sesiapa pn? heheh...
but in my opinion, mana boleh macam tu..... when we didnt believe anyone, hidup pn mcm x happy sbb kita mestila nk share ngn member2 about our problems kan?
cuma kadang2 rasa gak macam, 'eh, leh percaya ker dgn dia ni?'... aku pernah gak rasa cam tu... dan kalau aku ada prob, I can't simply keep it as secret... selalu kalau ada problem,.. rasa nk bercerita tapi xtau nk story ngn saper .... I need a loyal n good listener but do not misunderstood aku percya semua kwn2 aku becoz bagi aku, everyone is a friends until they prove otherwise...
kalau dh terbukti dia mmg x leh dipercayai n was betrayed you before, so you can delete him from your true friends' list....
kawan2 ramai....yg boleh dipercayai pn ramai actually,... cuma sometimes, segan nk meluahkan problem dan apa2 yg terbuku dihati.... cerita skit2 tu blh la.... but kalau ada apa2 prob, to tell the whole story rasanya aku belum mampu....
kalau rasa masalah dh x tertanggung sgt, aku biasanya akan buat: love problem aku cerita dgn si A, friendship prob aku story ngn si B n family prob normally aku cerita ngn si C.... it's not due to unbelieve towards anyone, tapi ssb kesian gak kan nk story ngn member2, they olls pn ada prob diorg sndiri yg kita x tau...
takkan kita nk jadi kera sumbang kan? kemana-mana pn sorang jer... bukan org yg xnk kawan ngn kita tp kita yg x bg space and options to them to enter into our life...
and remember 1 things, a true friends will forever with u no matter what colour you are...masa time u oll sedih ker (mesti muka kaler merah), mood marah ker (muka kaler biru kot) ataupun u oll tgh happy (maybe in pink kaler...heheh)... they will always be with u..
actually a true friends like a siblings that God never give us...